Jennifer T.

Jenn Taylor Virtual Training Transformation.jpeg

Life changing.  The two words that immediately come to mind when I think of my relationship with Gloveworx.  What started as a way to try and do a little something active during COVID has turned into a relationship that I will have for the rest of my life.  I was first introduced to Gloveworx via social media; however, seeing that they were in CA and I was in NC, I thought it would never work but I followed them on social media because their workouts and videos looked beyond AWESOME and FUN. Each workout is different, but follows a similar format. No matter the coach or who it is that I’ve met through Gloveworx, they have all become my biggest cheerleaders and they truly feel like family.  They genuinely want to see each and every client succeed, not for their benefit, but for their client’s personal, physical and mental benefit. 


Jordan R.


Amy K